Christiaan Klijn

Team mount Tam

( Fietsen 1x De Kale Berg 43KM (Malaucène – Liotard – TOP – Malaucène) | Member of team: Frank’s PEDALS )

I want to introduce you all to my friend Frank. Him and I, both Dutch, met in San Francisco and made a lot of memories exploring iconic bike routes such as Paradise Loop, Skyline, Mount Tam and the Seven Sisters among others.

But life has its unexpected turns. A while back, Frank was diagnosed with ALS. The news was heart-wrenching, for Frank, his family and everyone who knows him. In true Frank spirit, he chose to turn this terrible news into a challenge: to create more, lasting memories on the bike.

Frank is now leading the largest team this year for the Tour du ALS. This isn't just any challenge - it's ascending the legendary Mont Ventoux in France, all in the name of ALS research and awareness.

Activity: Fietsen 1x De Kale Berg 43KM (Malaucène – Liotard – TOP – Malaucène)

Jan Jaap

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Tour du ALS is the largest event organized by the ALS Netherlands Foundation. Under the slogan “Get on your feet to beat ALS” , hundreds of cyclists, runners and hikers climb the Mont Ventoux together with ALS patients. All participants, volunteers, patients, donors and attendees contribute in the steps towards finding the cause of ALS and ultimately a medicine.